Episode #15: Ebbs of Life
There is always going to be ebbs and flows in our life. We can fight against them or surrender to them. I talk about how honoring the ebbs as they come about in our lives is a great opportunity for self care. Additionally I talk about what we can learn from the ebbs of life and why they are important.

Episode #14: Unconditional Self Love
One of the most important concepts I will discuss in this podcast. Often confused with self care, self love is actually bigger than just self care. It is often the lack of self love or high self regard that creates many of the challenges we face in our lives. I talk about the importance of identifying your level of unconditional self love and ways we can cultivate higher levels of it in our lives.
This episode will clarify what self love is, the importance of self love and offer a framework of what unconditional self love can look like.

Episode #13: Depression and Self Love
Many of us struggle with depression. It can feel hopeless and like there is no way out or that we will always feel this way. But it doesn’t have to. I talk about putting together a support system and allowing yourself the time to dig deep, to find what is contributing to your depression or making it worse. Additionally, I talk about how your level of self love can also contribute positively or negatively. This episode is for anyone who is feeling depressed or just sad. You will find ideas for supporting yourself and learning more about who you are and what you need. If you are needing immediate, emergency support with depression call 911. Additional resources available if you are in need of immediate support: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 Or The Samaritans: (877) 870-4673 Call or text.

Episode #12: Simplify
In this day and age, we seem to be surrounded by a ton of stuff. From physical stuff to mental stuff, we often find ourselves paralyzed and overwhelmed by all the stuff we have in our lives. In this episode I talk about how you can simplify. I share how starting small and letting go can help you gain more joy and freedom from feeling overwhelmed. This episode will help you move past the stuck feeling our overly packed environments can have on us. Listen for actionable steps you can start today.

Episode #11: Choosing Joy
At any given moment we have the ability to choose joy. Our capacity for Joy has little to do with what is happening outside of ourselves. We always have two choices. To choose joy or to choose pain. In this episode I share a story about my mom’s last few days, that demonstrates the very power in this action.